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What does it mean? When I was a teenager, I accepted Jesus into my heart. My first Church was a large congregation. I thought if I went to Church occasionally, then I was good. Next, I went to a small Church. There, I thought if I signed up for everything, then I was good. After that, I went to a large Church. That is where my relationship with the Lord started to grow. This ministry started there. Now, I belong to a small Church and my relationship has grown, my service has grown, and I have a life full of God. A life filled to overflowing.

We all have an idea of what it means to be a Christian. Over my years of service, my idea of being a follower of God has changed. Maybe you are at point where you are questioning the things you thought you knew about Christianity. Maybe your relationship with God has not grown since salvation. Maybe you want to grow in your relationship with God.

Being a Christian comes with a handbook. The Bible is our life guide. When you dig into the word of the Lord, you will see what a relationship with God looks like. Look at the life of Paul. He traveled around preaching Jesus to anyone that would listen. Paul referred to himself as the chief sinner. He celebrated both on the mountain top and in the valley.

In the life of Abraham, he picked up his whole life and moved to where the Lord told him to go. He waited years to have a child because it was on the Lord’s timing and not Abraham’s.

In the life of Noah, he built an ark when he did not see a need for one. He waited approximately one hundred years to see the work of the Lord.

Do you see a pattern? All of these people show us how to live. As a Christian, we are to follow the path the Lord has for us. We are to wait on the Lord’s timing and not ours. We are to step out in faith, not seeing what lies ahead. We are to love others like Jesus.

If you are looking at your relationship and wondering how to apply the Bible to your life, pray. Connect with the Lord in prayer. He will reveal your next step.

Grow in your relationship with God.

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