Site icon Joye Angel



It is easy to get discouraged in this world. There is so much evil around us. You can see it everywhere. That is just about all you see on the news. I get tired of reading or watching the negativity.

It is very easy to let the negative take over and drag you down. But take heart, there is still good in the world. God is still on His throne. There is hope for a better future. That hope is found in Jesus Christ.           

How do we change this world that we live in for the better? Pray for it! Pray for our country, our leaders, our world. God is the only answer. He alone can make the difference.

Start each day with prayer. Prayer for this world. Then intentionally look for the good.

See the good, stay positive.

Do not lose hope!      

Stand up to the negative!

Do not become indifferent!    

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