Site icon Joye Angel

We See You


Sometimes the smallest act can make the biggest difference. Most people walk through this life thinking that they are invisible. That their life and their service are not making a difference in this world. So much of the time, people do not give others feedback to let them know their worth. I spoke on the phone to someone the other day and she was so gracious and nice to me, it really made a difference in my day. I thanked her because I wanted her to know what she is a difference maker. She had no way of knowing what my day had been like to that point, she was just being herself.

Positive encouragement is exactly what this world needs. I know that we are not to boast and if we boast, then we boast in Christ and what He has done through our lives. But this is not about us, it is about others and letting them know – I see you. People get weary and could use some positivity.

Moms – I see you holding up your family, keep the faith

Dads – I see you making sacrifices for your family, stand strong

Workers – I see you and appreciate you, keep up the good work

Laborers for Christ – I see you spreading the Good News, keep walking the road of faith

Those who are weary – I see you struggling, God’s got this

To all of you – I see you and more importantly, God sees you and loves you. Bring your burdens and your weariness to Him in prayer. God is still answering prayers and still making a difference in this world. He can make a difference in your life too, if you allow Him.

I pray for strength for you that are weary and comfort for you that are burdened and assurances to let you know that your labor is not in vain.

You are seen.

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